








And he passed in front of Moses,


"The LORD, the LORD,

the compassionate and gracious God,

slow to anger,

abounding in love and faithfulness,

maintaining love to thousands, and

forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. 


Yet he does not leave the guilty


he punishes the children and

their children for the sin of the fathers

to the third and fourth generation." 


         ♪ 감사와 사랑으로 오늘 외우는 말씀



For the forty days 

the servant of God,

Moses receiving the Ten Commandments

from God the slave Israelites made

gold calf as their God.   


 Moses indignation made him threw

the two stone tablets of

the Ten Commandments  from the edge

of the mountain and they were broken

into pieces; and he made the calf

grounded and them to drink.   


 How did God bring this slave nations

out of Egypt !


 Moses asked God who entrusted

this nation with him, 

as he returning slowly from

his desperation and indignation 

"Now show me your glory."

I was almost trembling at first

reading it.

Is Moses sane? 

How would God answer to him?


God says I will to his servant.


Again on the mountain Sinai

God shows his glory to Moses

as he asked for.


His glory is His name and his character:


His name is The Lord, the Lord.


His character is 



Slow to anger

Abounding of Love

Abounding of Truth


Punish evil 


Individual and the mankind's response

to his name and his character

has been terminated to his and its

wellbeing and eternity. 


Therefore in the Bible 

our predecessors of faith

depended on these two and worshiped,

asked for and were victorious.


The meaning of growing spiritually 

after one believing in Jesus and

becoming God's child is the process

of likeness his character.  


Yes, it is possible by the help 

of the Holy spirit.